UCD Sunday Program for Youth

Note:  As of June 6, 2021, Unity of Delaware is resuming regular, in-person Sunday services, though not yet including child care or a Sunday school program for children. We hope to resume Sunday spiritual lessons for children soon, but in the meantime, children are welcome to attend services with their families. Masks are available for all those desiring them, and "busy bags" will be available for children's use during the service.

During every Sunday service, Unity Church of Delaware provides a spiritual learning opportunity for children. Lessons allow children to explore various aspects of their spirituality through the lens of Unity and New Thought principles. The lessons incorporate art, play, story and fun to enable the children to learn in a creative way that is appropriate for their age group. Lessons are based on scripture and teach children how to connect with and recognize their own Divine nature. As Myrtle Fillmore wrote, “We are here not to entertain the children, but to call them out.” Dani Hill is our Youth Director and Linda Comstock teaches Sunday lessons as well.  


Unity Principles for Children


1. God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.

2. I am naturally good because God’s divinity is in me and in everyone.

3. I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.

4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life. 

5.  I do and give my best by living the truth I know.  I make a difference.


Unity Church of Delaware

Meeting address: 4277 Columbus Pike (US Rt 23), Delaware, Ohio 43015

Mailing address: PO Box 593, Delaware, Ohio 43015

Email: unitydelawareohio@gmail.com

Phone: 740-363-7800

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